8 February, 2016 | 2 min read

Wellness Tips: 10 Ways To Improve Brain Function

  1. Avoid sugar – large amounts of sugar in the diet over time can disrupt the ability to think clearly
  2. Put away the calculator – doing math without a calculator trains the type of memory we use to store information for immediate use.
  3. Work out – aerobic exercise keeps the blood pumping; if it’s good for your heart it’s good for your brain.
  4. Improve sleep – good quality sleep is critical for learning and memory.
  5. Be social – a recent study showed that people with more active social lives had a slower rate of memory decline.
  6. Relax – chronic stress damages the hippocampus which is the portion of the brain that helps form new memories and recall old ones.
  7. Test your recall – make a grocery list, memorize it, and leave the list at home to do your shopping.
  8. Turn off the navigation app – navigating gives your spatial intelligence a work out.
  9. Learn something new – a language, how to cook, how to play a game such as Sudoku or chess.
  10. Drink green tea – it contains polyphenols which are antioxidants that can protect against brain cell damage. Drinking green tea regularly may improve mental alertness, enhance memory, and even slow down aging of the brain.



