24 October, 2016 | 2 min read

5 Signs a Caregiver Is Doing Too Much

senior-caregivers.jpgAre you doing too much in order to take care of an older parent or parents?

Many people today are part of what is being called the sandwich generation, or people who take care of both their children and older adult parents, sometimes in the same home. Especially if the caregiver works, this much responsibility can cause an incredible amount of stress for the caregiver.  This stress can cause all sorts of personal issues, if not attended too. Sometimes, senior caregivers struggle with the specific needs of their loved ones that the senior caregiver is not trained to provide.

It is not uncommon for senior caregivers to start feeling burned out from the stress of all their caregiver related tasks. People need to be aware of this important issue. We created a list of signs to look for if you are doing too much as a caregiver and starting to experience this type of burnout. We all need help sometimes and it is important to recognize when you do need assistance.

5 Common Signs of Caregiver Burnout

  • As a caregiver, you constantly ignore your own wellness due to the needs of others.
  • You feel tired all the time, even after you have slept the night before.
  • You have difficulty concentrating and are easily distracted much of the time.
  • When you find that you do have time for yourself, you cannot fully relax.
  • When you interact with the person(s) you are caring for you are often short tempered and irritated with them.

If you find yourself experiencing any of these issues, it's okay to speak up for yourself and ask for help. It's easy to spend so much time giving aid to others that you neglect your own needs. However, if you do begin neglecting your own needs, you run the risk of taking out your stress on the same people you provide care for and love. It's not easy caring for others, especially if they have unique issues that you aren't trained or prepared to handle. In these cases, reach out to someone who has the knowledge to guide you. Do you have questions about potential assisted care for your family? Contact Eskaton today to find out how we can help with your family's care needs.