Spending time outside can help you kick sleepiness to the curb. Studies have shown that exposure to nature has been linked with increased energy and a heightened sense of well-being.
2. Get some sunLight and dark help set your internal clock, so it makes sense that getting out in the sun can promote wakefulness. For a bigger bang for your buck, head outdoors for fresh air and sunshine, but if that’s not possible a window works to snap your senses.
3. Drink your water
Instead of heading to the coffee pot, drink your water. Studies show that it doesn’t take much dehydration to cause a loss of focus and a sense of fatigue.
4. Just move
When you need a quick energy boost, going for a short walk or doing a few jumping jacks are an instant way to shock the fatigue in your system.
5. Take a Cat Nap
Sometimes to fight fatigue, you have to actually sleep. To avoid waking up groggy, set your alarm for 30 minutes or less. Try not to nap after 3PM so it doesn’t disturb your night of sleep.
6. Caffeine
Drinking caffeine is OK and even beneficial for healthy older adults when used in moderation. If used too much, you could be perpetuating the cycle of exhaustion by over caffeinating and preventing yourself from falling asleep at night.
TIP - Get your caffeine from a couple squares of dark chocolate or green tea for additional antioxidants)
7. Take a “Caffeine Nap”
Never heard of a caffeine nap? Down a cup of coffee right before you take a 15-minute nap. The nap is long enough for the caffeine to take effect, and short enough that you don’t wake up groggy.