23 July, 2019 | 1 min read

Starting Your Morning with Breakfast

Skipping breakfast is detrimental to your brain health, and can negative impact your physical health all day. Eating well in the morning will ensure you are set up to feel great all day. 


WHY eat in the morning?

  • RE-FUEL your body after a long overnight fast
  • BOOST your metabolism to maintain a healthy weight
  • KICK START your brain for the day
  • IMPROVE your mood

WHAT foods make a power breakfast?

Carbohydrate: A high-energy carbohydrate energizes your body and brain for a busy day. Oatmeal, whole grain breakfast cereal, bagels, English muffins, and whole grain waffles are natural sources of dietary fiber, B vitamins, and iron. Try a bagel with peanut butter and pear slices, cereal with reduced-fat milk and strawberries or egg whites on whole-grain toast.

Protein: Protein is what you need to go strong until lunch. Think lean – a slice or two of bacon, hard boiled eggs, and a scoop of cottage cheese or Greek yogurt.

Fruit: Think fresh, frozen, or dried fruit – like pears, apples, blueberries, bananas, oranges, grapefruit, kiwis, or pomegranates.

Starting your day with breakfast will set you up to feel great all day long. Don't be afraid to be creative with your meals and spice things up when you notice yourself getting burned out on a specific routine.