16 December, 2016 | 2 min read

Gaining An Understanding Of Another Generation

Kids.jpgIt’s “visit day” – the day children from local schools parade into Eskaton to read, sing, study, or just share stories with the residents as part of Eskaton’s Kids Connection program.

Resident Sandra is especially excited one week as she waits for her buddy, Audrey, to arrive. She and Audrey have been reading and writing together, working hard to improve Audrey’s literacy level. Sandra can’t wait to hear about Audrey’s most recent writing project. Audrey bounces off the bus with paper in hand.

Eskaton Kids Connection - Bridging The Generation Gap

Eskaton’s Kids Connection was created to close the gap between children and seniors.

Each participating resident and student are paired up to become buddies who will converse, play, and bond together. Before they know it, they see past the age gap and begin to see each other for who they truly are.

The relationship built helps collapse the space that often exists between generations. The students overcome misconceptions they may have about older adults, while the residents may gain a new understanding of the younger generation.

How Kids Connection Works

Kids Connection activities include things that both the students and the residents will enjoy, such as Easter egg hunts, Christmas parties, barbeques, physical and mental challenges, and craft projects.

It’s a wonderful opportunity for seniors to remember what it’s like to be a kid or to recall raising their own children, while the children gain a new friend. It also helps both the seniors and children see past stereotypes that may exist of the other generation.

“This program dramatically enriches the lives of our residents. The ecstatic laughs and bright smiles brought to the residents’ faces when their buddies run up to give them a hug says it all,” says Adam Hill, Quality & Compliance Programs and Standards Specialist at Eskaton.