18 November, 2021 | 2 min read

How To Cope With A Loss

cope-with-loss.jpgCoping with the loss of someone close to you is one of the most difficult experiences you will ever have to face. If you’re an older adult, you may find that your experience is more acute than that of a younger person, perhaps due to any health or independence issues you may have.

Maybe your loved one was the person you relied on for your entire emotional support needs. Now that your support person has passed, you may be feeling completely alone in the world and might be understandably frightened about what the future holds for you.

If you’re currently in this situation and don’t know where to turn, there are some things you can do to help cope with this loss, starting with openly expressing your emotions.

Coping With The Loss Of A Loved One

Talk About How You Feel

You may be afraid of burdening others with your feelings; however, the best way to cope with bereavement is to talk about it—either with someone you trust or with a bereavement counselor.

Don’t Try To Be Too Strong

A very important stage of the grieving process is allowing yourself to actually grieve. You may feel anger, sadness, guilt, longing, and more—and this is completely natural. If you feel like staying in bed all morning, do it. Cry, and let all those feelings out; then get up and do something positive. Grieving is a process; there are no rights and wrongs, only what feels right for you.

Tell Your Deceased Loved One How You’re Feeling

Committing your thoughts and feelings to paper is very cathartic. Tell your loved one everything you need to express in a letter.

Be Kind To Yourself

Grief is a leading source of stress. It can make your immune system weak, can disturb your sleep, and can leave you feeling depressed. Ensure you’re staying as healthy as possible throughout this difficult time by taking your medication, exercising, and eating properly.

When you’re ready, get back into the world. When you feel able, try filling that missing space in your life with positivity. Join a group or club, volunteer, or even adopt an animal for company.

Create A Memorial

Think about the interests your loved one enjoyed. If he loved gardening, try planting a special tree in his honor. Or if she enjoyed reading, why not either write or print out a poem and place it in a frame.

Remember that grief doesn’t last forever, and that it will pass in time. By getting the right support and helping yourself in all these little ways, you will find healing.