18 November, 2021 | 2 min read

I Want My Children To Stop Worrying About My Safety

worry-about-safety.jpgYour adult children worry about you as you age. This is especially true when they live farther away from you and can’t be there for you quickly if they are needed. When you’re living on your own, those worries can be intensified. Your children have concerns over your health, your state of mind, your safety, and even whether or not you have food in your home.

You don’t want your children to worry about you, but you may not be sure what to do. These are two big things you can do to help your adult children worry less about your safety.

Moving into an Independent Living Community

This helps your children in many ways. These are just a few of the ways making the move to an independent living community helps your adult children have fewer fears and concerns about you.

  1. There is safety in numbers. When you live in a community, you have people watching out for you, not only other residents, but also qualified experts who are on call 24 hours a day. That is not the case in today's private houses and neighborhoods.
  2. You have some degree of protection from the outside world. Many communities have security in place to protect residents from crime.
  3. Maintenance is done for you. Your children don’t have to worry about your health when shoveling sidewalks or climbing ladders to clean out gutters. These chores are done for you.
  4. You have access to transportation. Your children worry about you being on the road probably more than anything else. Most independent living communities provide transportation to medical appointments, scheduled outings, and regular shopping excursions.

These are just some of the things that independent living communities provide to give you and your children greater of peace of mind.

Being Able to Stay in Touch

Technology makes it easier than ever to stay in touch with your adult children and grandchildren. You can use emails to communicate, enjoy video chats on Skype or FaceTime, and even use mobile phones to talk to them. More than that, you can share videos and photographs in an instant via Snapchat to show that you are not only safe and healthy but also happy.

Eskaton’s technology services help our residents stay in touch and interact with their loved ones. We offer computer set-up and tutorials, and residents can learn how to text and email.

These little things can mean the world to your adult children and you just might find they improve your enjoyment of life too!