4 May, 2022 | 2 min read

Is Senior Living for the Young at Heart?

happy.jpgWhat does being young at heart mean to you?

The Chicago Tribune asked a few Illinois seniors what it meant to them to be young at heart, and they all reported wonderful answers. But they did share some commonalities: Be positive. Be happy. Enjoy life to the fullest.

Ken Altamore, a resident of Elk Grove Village, said, “To me, I define ‘young at heart’ as living on your own terms and trying new things. Love what you do and do what you love.”

Do what you love. Is there any better advice than that?

Is senior living for the young at heart?

Senior living communities strive to help you do what you love. They sponsor book clubs, card clubs, volunteer groups, planning committees, and so many other opportunities to do what you love.

If you’re young at heart, senior living might be the perfect fit. Communities will keep you active while helping you have fun at the same time. Wellness-centered and active, senior living communities embrace the silliness that young hearts bring.

A study at University College London has shown a connection between age and heart health: those who feel younger than their real age are more likely to keep up with healthy habits.

Senior living communities are focused on helping you live your best life. Reaching maximum health is part of that. They encourage the young at heart to stay that way because it encourages better health. It helps you live longer, happier lives.

In short, senior living is for the young at heart. Senior Living Communities encourage you to find and pursue passions while growing as an individual. They want you to live your life to the fullest. Check out some senior living options today and find the best place for your young heart!