What’s fall prevention month? Fall prevention month is a national movement to bring awareness to older adults. Falling is not a normal part of aging and you can do something to prevent it from happening to you. Sign up for a class below, or attend an event, and do your part to stay active and prevent a fall. Help us spread the word. Click here to follow us on Facebook.
Watch our fun N.F.L. inspired video at www.eskaton.org/falls.
Thursday, 15-September, 11:05am
Building Better Balance Class Eskaton Village Roseville - Lodge
Join us in the Lodge and learn more about Building Better Balance. This class will help develop skills by providing ways to keep your balance. This class is developed to teach stability to help avoid falling. Come learn how to increase flexibility and strength. Practice these exercises in a safe environment and your confidence will improve.
Please come join us in building better balance. Call 916-789-7831 to reserve your spot today.
Monday, 19-September, 9:00am
Morning Stretch for Seniors Eskaton FountainWood Lodge - MAC
Why is stretching important? Stretching is important, especially for older adults and seniors, because it provides the body with flexibility, range of motion, and more importantly, injury prevention. Stretching promotes blood flow, strengthens posture, and improves flexibility. A recent study shows that stretching can improve range of motion and build better muscle tissue over time.
Please come and join us for a fun class on stretching. Call 916-988-2200 to RSVP.
Monday, 19-September, 9:45am
Eskaton Walking Club Eskaton Lodge Cameron Park
Having a group of people you can walk with is more beneficial than you think. One recent study has shown that walking in a group can have a major impact on senior health. Some of these benefits can include: a lower heart rate, weight loss, and more importantly, emotional support from friends in your walking group.
There are two crucial benefits of joining a walking club: 1) It gets you on your feet and keeps you moving. Walking at least 30 minutes a day can help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of a health-related disease, and enhance weight loss. 2) Walking can greatly help improve your balance. It can help strengthen the muscles in your legs, back, and abdomen, which help keep you steady.
Come join our walking club for fall prevention month. Call 530-672-8900 to reserve your spot.
Monday, 19-September, 10:00am
Exercise for 55+ Eskaton Lodge Granite Bay – Activity Room
Are you aware that exercise for 55+ is an essential aspect to keeping a healthy lifestyle? For seniors and older adults, exercise, even a small amount, can have major health benefits. Staying active as an older adult can help build stronger muscles and your flexibility will greatly increase as well. Exercising is not only beneficial for your body, but it can be beneficial for your brain too. A recent study has shown that daily exercise can decrease anxiety and depression. Exercise is a very important physical activity that helps keep your body healthy and any type of exercise movement will improve strength and balance.
Join us for some exercise fun and learn the benefits of staying healthy. Call 916-789-0326 to RSVP.
Tuesday, 20-September, 9:30am
Active Walking for Older Adults Eskaton Village Grass Valley – Lodge
A recent study done by a Southern California university showed walking 30 minutes a day can help increase one’s lifespan by at least seven years. Why is walking beneficial? Because if you’re walking, you’re not sitting. Sitting and not moving your body is associated with high increases in diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The more you move, the better, and walking can help. It can also improve bone and muscle strength, balance and coordination.
Come join us for fall prevention month. It’s free. Call to RSVP 530-273-1778 to reserve your spot today.
Tuesday, 20-September, 1:00pm
Tai Chi for 55+ Eskaton Lodge Gold River – Activity Room
According to a recent study done by Harvard University Medical School, there are many health benefits of Tai Chi. Tai Chi is a form of exercise that focuses on maintaining balance, strength, and flexibility. Tai Chi is known as meditation in motion. It originated from China as a form of a martial art in slow motion, and the movements are circular and never forced. It has been shown that it has some significance in treating and preventing many health issues. By taking part in this class, you can learn more about Tai Chi, see and feel the benefits in keeping your balance, strength, and flexibility.
Come join us in some fun with Tai Chi – a form of martial art. RSVP to reserve your spot at 916-852-7900
Wednesday, 21-September, 9:00am
The 9th Annual Falls Prevention Coalition’s Community Event
Seventh Day Adventist Church (12889 Osborne Hill Rd., Grass Valley, CA)
Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Safe! Falls Prevention Coalition of Nevada Country is hosting the 9th Annual Falls Prevention event. Join us for Keynoter, Dr. Debbie Rose, the resource fair, an informative program, The Forever Young Senior Chorus, morning coffee and pastries, and brown bag lunch.
Please call 530-271-0255 by 9/16 to register the event. It’s Free! It’s Fun!
Wednesday, 21-September, 9:30am
Functionally Fit Eskaton Village Carmichael – Fitness Center
This one hour comprehensive fitness class includes mobility, balance, stretching and strength, not to mention great conversation. Please RSVP to Kim Strong at 916-974-9363.
Wednesday, 21-September, 9:30am
Stretch and Balance Eskaton Monroe Lodge - Garden Room
Stretching and balancing is a very important aspect in the life of an elderly individual. It can help improve flexibility, and it can help you maintain an active physical exercise routine. As a person ages, the muscles become shorter and in turn, they lose their elasticity. With stretch and balance activities, muscles and bones will become stronger.
Please come join us in stretching and balancing activities to get your muscles stronger. Call 916-441-1015 to reserve a spot.
Wednesday, 21-September, 9:45am
Exercise With Bands Eskaton Village Placerville – Lodge Activity Room (CK1)
Exercise with bands is a slow, controlled strength training exercise that focuses on your muscles performing against any type of tension, such as an elastic band. By adding strength training to your exercise routine, you can help improve muscle strength, balance, flexibility and coordination, as well as range of motion.
Come join us for some fun to build stronger muscles. Call 530-295-3400 to RSVP.
Wednesday, 21-September, 11:00am
Fall Prevention Workshop
Swanston Community Center [2350 Northrop Ave Sacramento, CA 95825 (between Fulton and Howe)]
This workshop is focused on ways to help reduce the risk of falling. The topics of discussion and information that will be included are: home safety, outdoor falls, medication awareness, vision, talking with your doctor about fall risks, preventing falls with pets, and much more other valuable information.
Please come join us on learning more about ways to help reduce the risk of falls. Call Therese at 916-334-0810 for more information regarding this exciting workshop.
Wednesday, 21-September, 2:00pm
Yoga for Seniors Eskaton Care Center Fair Oaks - Lobby
Yoga has become a growing epidemic, especially for elderly seniors. Of the many benefits, yoga can have a positive effect on stress and hypertension, which in turn can help reduce the amount of medication needed. The three major reasons why yoga is growing in popularity among seniors are: 1) Minimizes hypertension - research has shown that slow, controlled breathing can help manage blood pressure levels. 2) Strengthen bones - yoga helps slow bone thinning and more importantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis. 3) Helps maintain weight control.
Please come join us in some yoga fun. Call 916-968-4663 to RSVP.
Friday, 23-September, 10:00am
Seniorcise Eskaton The Parkview - Lobby
Seniorcise is an exercise program that is devoted to seniors and the elderly. The exercises are geared towards low impact movements that will help get your body in motion, as well as provide ways to prevent a fall or even recover from a near fall.
Come join us for some seniorcise fun. Call and RSVP at 925-461-3042
Friday, 23-September, 1:30pm
The Falling Monologues Eskaton Lassen Manor – Recreation Room
The Falling Monologues are a series of stories by some elderly adults after they have fallen. The stories reflect on their thoughts, emotions, and the lessons they have learned and have wanted to share with others. After the program, learn more about ways to reduce fall rates. There will be a lot of important information on topics that are essential to older adults and seniors. Some of these topics include: home safety, outdoor falls, medication awareness, vision, talking with your doctor about fall risks, and preventing falls with pets.
Come join us for a free screening of The Falling Monologues and gain some important information about how to reduce and prevent a fall from occurring. Please call and RSVP to 530-257-0888 to reserve your spot.
Fall Prevention Skills
Statistics have shown that roughly 40% of those who have fallen have been hospitalized from hip fractures and cannot live on their own again. There have been many cases where individuals who have fallen have a very difficult time recovering from their injuries and it can have an effect on their overall health. There are several ways to reduce the risk of falling: 1) Balance and mobility - balance, flexibility, and stretching can help reduce the risk of falling. 2) Environmental modification - make changes at home and in the community to help reduce the risk of falling.
Fall Prevention Movements
Just one major function essential to fall prevention is balance. Another is making your environment safer, along with making yourself aware of your surroundings. Taking yoga, tai-chi, stretching, and even a walking class can also help in reducing the chances of a fall.