Superfoods are stuffed with high nutritional content. Try incorporating these at your next holiday dinner.

Turkey: Low in cholesterol, overall fat, and contains folic acid, which protects against cancer and heart disease.
Cranberries: Great source of antioxidants which reduce the risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease.
Sweet potato: Excellent source of beta-carotene (eye health), antioxidants, and fiber (digestive health).
Pumpkin: High in beta-carotene and antioxidants.
You are invited
Chef’s Demonstration on Tuesday, 13th 10:30 am, North auditorium at 3939 Walnut Ave, Carmichael, CA
This Month’s Super Food: Cranberries
Watch Chef Kevin craft up some amazing dishes using cranberries.
RSVP to Kim or Sandy, 916-974-2000