18 November, 2021 | 2 min read

Put A New Roof Over Your Head And Leave The Maintenance Behind

maintenance-free.jpgYour water line is leaking again. Your lawn needs mowing. Your kitchen desperately needs cleaning, and your garden is overgrown with weeds. You’re just simply tired of the tasks.

If this sounds like you, then maybe it’s time to consider a move into an independent living community that offers maintenance-free living. You maintain your independence with your own home, but leave all the time, money, and management of home maintenance to the community staff.

In 2015, the average American spent $1,126 a month on house maintenance. Some of those estimates may differ based on where you live, when your house was built, or how big your house is, but house maintenance tends to be a sizeable chunk of most households’ budgets — 32% of it, according to Bank of America.

Time is of the essence, too. How much time do you spend every week cleaning your house, mowing your lawn, washing the dishes, dusting, washing windows, vacuuming, fixing things, or calling someone to help you with all of these tasks?

How nice would it be to have those chores done while you enjoy coffee with friends, take a yoga class or go for a swim in the pool? No more chores, but all the comfort and privacy of your own home and the services and amenities of the community -- that’s the beauty of a senior independent living community.

Look for an independent living community that has a staff to support the tasks and maintenance needs you want to eliminate from your life, such as lawn care, fixing water heaters, doing the dishes, housekeeping, etc. Make your home about relaxation, enjoyment, and the most important part of independent living: living.