24 October, 2016 | 2 min read

Reducing Anxiety Before Moving Into Assisted Living

moving-into-assisted-living.jpgMoving to assisted living is a big step. Your loved one is nervous about leaving their current home, even though navigating it has become too cumbersome. You’re nervous about moving your parent, even though you know it’s the right choice for them.

It’s an emotional ride, and it’s common for it to be shrouded in anxiety. But there are ways to subdue the nervousness associated with moving into assisted living. After all, your loved one would not be moving into assisted living if it wasn’t the best option for them.

Ways to Reduce Moving-Induced Anxiety

Have a positive attitude about moving.

By looking at all of the advantages of a new space, it decreases the time spent thinking about the difficulties that transitions can sometimes bring. Whenever your loved one brings up a concern, listen, address the concern, but finish the conversation with a benefit to moving into assisted living such as a decrease in housework or the warm-hearted staff. Highlight why moving is a good idea instead of allowing them to wallow in their worries.

Visit the campus before moving. Connect with residents, staff, and spiritual leaders so that there are a few familiar faces before the move takes place. Form friendships before the move so that your loved one can feel more comfortable there once the big day arrives.

Research activities in order to rev up excitement. There will be new opportunities for involvement, so capitalize on that fact.

Prepare to make the actual move as smooth as possible.

Measure the new space before moving so that you only take what can fit. Trying to sort through belongings and repacking things can be not only stressful, but emotional as well. Plan to take only what you need, but don’t forget to pack a few decorations, pictures, and keepsakes to make the space feel like home.

Also, don’t forget to label boxes and enlist help to transport belongings as well as unloading and organizing upon arrival. There should be plenty of helping hands to cut down on the work so that your loved one can cut down their stress level. But don’t keep them from doing anything – this is their living space, so they should be involved in making it feel like home. They are still an independent person who can make their own decisions.

Remain heavily involved in the moving process.

Though you may be nervous about the move too, it is ultimately your loved one whose entire lifestyle is altering. Help with the planning and packing process, moving, unpacking, decorating, and organizing, but don’t think that your job is done that day. You should continue visiting and spending time with your loved one and ensure that they are adjusting well to this new lifestyle. Plus, knowing that someone they love will be visiting them soon is the best stress-reliever out there.