Setbacks are necessary steps toward your ultimate goals! Did you know that accomplishing new things and failing at them can both contribute to your success?
Life goes up and down and things happen outside of our control. Some days you might wonder if you will find the strength to overcome the setbacks in your life. The disappointment can be crushing, but this is not the end of your story!
Apply this concept using the following steps to help you turn failure into a new chance to succeed.
- Reframe: Try to see your setbacks from a different lens. This gives you a fresh perspective on what went right and wrong. Take notes and then combine these perspectives for a better picture of what happened and why. Try to react thoughtfully instead of emotionally.
- Rethink: Once you have a new perspective on the situation, think about a new plan of action and write it down. Once you’ve started, keep at it and think of ways to improve your new plan.
- Breathe: Just as we need to allow time for wounds and broken hearts to mend, we need to allow ourselves time to overcome setbacks. Impatience only makes them harder and longer than they need to be. Focus on and enjoy other things while allowing a setback to be resolved in its own time. Keep faith that after this, you will be where you want to be. It serves no purpose to dwell on a problem. Allow the movement of time to push you through it. Time does heal.
- Acknowledge: No one is immune to setbacks. If you have one, recognize the problem. By doing this, you can start the process of transformation, and you are going to be wiser, stronger, and better for it.
- Amplify: Confront and stare your setback in the face. Say to yourself, “I need to overcome this.” This type of openness has enormous power. Commit to breaking through your setback from start to finish. Remember that whatever this setback may be, it will not stop you from being who you want to be and what you want to do.