In February 2016, Hazel Lew, a retiree from Sacramento County, moved to Eskaton Monroe Lodge. Hazel is a graduate of UC Berkeley and spent over 30 years working for the welfare department, first as a social worker before moving into management.
In the summer of 2016, Hazel was recruited for a lighting project at Eskaton Monroe Lodge. Lighting experts from SMUD and Stack Labs assessed her apartment before installing lamps with sensor bulbs. “It was quite a scientific innovation,“ said Hazel. “I was surprised by the technology.”
“There was no ceiling light,” she explained. “As I’ve gotten older, my eyes need more lighting.” She was ready to invest in some new, brighter lamps. “This project was a God send,” emphasized Hazel. Not only were the light fixtures and bulbs provided, “it made a huge difference, there were more lights in my apartment.” Hazel continued, “When you wake up in the morning, you are so happy to have the bright light. At night, it gets dimmer, making you sleepy, a subtle reminder to go to bed.”
Hazel’s favorite part of the new and improved lighting? “You don’t have to worry about turning the lights off.” It happens automatically for you.
Click here to read more about this lighting pilot.