Enjoy these simple food that keep you full or energy and help curb the hunger midday or in the middle of the night.
- Eggs – with a perfect combination of protein and fat, eggs keep you satisfied longer than with other breakfast foods.
- Avocados – filled with fiber and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat making for a slow-digested food, avocados allow you to experience less overall hunger.
- Soup – due to its high water content, soup fills you up and curbs your appetite.
- Raspberries – with eight grams of fiber, raspberries have the key ingredient to prevent hunger.
- Greek Yogurt – this yogurt is rich in calcium, low in sugar, and protein-packed making you feel satisfied and keeping you fuller longer.
- Legumes – having a feeling-full combination of lean protein, complex carbs and good fats, legumes are a great food to add to any meal.
- Water – by filling up on water, you are less likely to snack when bored.
- Almonds – all nuts have heart-healthy fats, but almonds contain the most fiber per serving which helps keep you full. Note: don’t overload on almonds, they can contribute significant calories to your daily intake.