This letter warms our Eskaton hearts. Bruce participated in the Eskaton Step It Up Challenge by walking 7,000 steps a day while in rehab. It helped him to a speedy recovery. Keep up the excellent work Bruce and stay healthy.

I would like to say thank you again to...the staff at Eskaton [Care Center] Fair Oaks. There was not a moment during my stay that the staff did not make [me] feel special. With just a smile or a helping hand, everyone I came in contact with at the facility made me feel comfortable, which in turn aided in my speedy recovery.
The physical and occupational therapist were so encouraging and helpful in getting me prepared to come home and worked every day with me to achieve my goal. They saw my determination and helped every step of the way. I could not stop working while there and have not stopped since I was discharged.
I have continued to walk every day and have averaged over 7,000 steps a day. I’ve continued with the exercises given me by the therapist to aid in my recovery, and I’m sure my outpatient therapist will be surprised at my condition and strength by the time of my first visit.
You all will hold a very special place in my heart for the kindness and compassion shown while I was in your care thank you every one.