23 July, 2019 | 2 min read

Tips for Helping Your Parents through the Transition into Assisted Living

Tips for Helping Your Parents through the Transition into Assisted LivingYour parents will likely need your help throughout the process of choosing an assisted living community and then with transitioning into it. Change can be difficult even when the end result is positive. You can help your parents through the transition into assisted living by following the five tips outlined below.

Have an honest discussion about their changing needs

Talking with your parents about their changing physical and cognitive needs can help ease the transition into assisted living. If your parents recognize that their need for assistance is increasing it can help them be more accepting of moving into assisted living. You should also talk to them about the fact that in assisted living they will get the help they need but be free to remain independent in other areas.

Lend a listening ear when they have concerns

If your parents have any concerns about the transition into assisted living it can be very helpful for them to have someone who will listen to those concerns. There may be some concerns that you can do something about. For example, if your parents are concerned about the logistics of the move you can work with them to come up with a plan. If they have concerns that cannot be addressed immediately they may simply want to feel heard.

Look through the calendar of community events together

If your parents have something to look forward to when they get to assisted living the transition will go much more smoothly. You can help them find something to look forward to by going through the community event calendar. Assisted living communities typically have a full schedule of events that residents can participate in. Help your parents find an event or events on the calendar that they can look forward to once they make the move.

Explore the different amenities that are offered

Another fun aspect of moving into assisted living is taking advantage of the amenities that are offered. Assisted living communities offer a wide range of hospitality-style amenities for residents to enjoy. Look at the information for the community your parents chose and go over all of the amenities that are offered. Your parents can start planning which of the amenities they want to take advantage of first.

Visit as often as you are able

The final step in helping your parents transition into assisted living is to visit them as often as you are able. When you talk to your parents about their concerns you may find that they worry you will not visit very often. Visiting regularly can help ease their concerns and their transition into assisted living.

You can have a big impact on how well your parents transition into assisted living. If you are actively involved in helping them with this you can take steps to assuage their concerns and maximize their excitement. Taking the time to recognize that this is a big change and pointing out the positives can go a long way toward easing your parent’s transition into assisted living.

or for more information on the topic of assisted living click here: