30 May, 2018 | 1 min read
  • 30 May, 2018
  • 1 m

WWII Veteran Meets Someone Unexpected at Eskaton Village Grass Valley

Harry grew up in a small logging town in Oregon where food was scarce and rationed. When he turned 18 in the early 1940s...
  • 30 May, 2018
  • 2 m

You’re Invited June 2 to Take A Stroll Down Memory Lane

What was your first car? How did you feel when you turned the key and felt the engine rumble?
  • 13 June, 2022
  • 3 m

The Missile Man, Father and Husband

New Jersey born Chuck Naegeli has a fascinating life story. As a young man, he was a Boy Scout, Eagle Scout and in the R...
  • 18 November, 2021
  • 2 m

Eskaton Hayfork Manor Resident and Author of Best-Selling How-To Book

Have you ever confronted a leaky toilet or faulty tub and felt utterly hopeless? Before you reach for the phone to call ...
  • 17 November, 2021
  • 3 m

Eskaton Staff Steps Up to Aid Flood Evacuees

The February 2017 flood crisis took a giant toll on over 188,000 Northern California residents living in cities surround...
  • 15 March, 2017
  • 1 m

Woman Walks 7k Steps a Day, Turns 100 Years Old...

Ninety-nine year-old Clea Meyers can be seen walking around Eskaton Village Carmichael with her pedometer clipped on. Sh...
  • 23 February, 2017

Celebrating Diversity: Ahmad Norouzi

Ahmad, 77, was born in a small village in Theron, Iran. He and his wife of 53 years raised three children: two sons and ...
  • 2 November, 2021

Celebrating Diversity: Sumiko Hall

Originally from Yokohama, Japan, Sumiko came to America in 1960. She is married and has one child. Throughout her time i...
  • 17 February, 2022
  • 1 m

Celebrating Diversity: Jia Kai Chu and Hui Wen Liu

“Love. L-O-V-E,” says Jia Kai Chu when asked to share his thoughts on what it takes to make a marriage last.
  • 7 February, 2017
  • 2 m

Intergenerational Activities at Eskaton Lassen Manor